Cutting Your Tree
Step 1: Take a ride on our antique Christmas tree wagon

- Enjoy Cutting your own tree with your family
- Saws are available for your use at the South Pole, (main building)
- Don't be shy ask if you need assistance cutting your annual christmas tree, we will assist you in the cutting and dragging.
- Cut and delivery service by appointment Local delivery only. Additional fees apply. Please call to set up an appointment today! (815 495 9343)
Step 2: Find your dream Christmas tree

We have many different varieties, sizes, and shapes of christmas trees. Grab a saw after browsing around our country style South Pole and enjoy a fun, exciting, family experience. Learn to debate with the bossy one in the family!!! There is a lot of Christmas trees out there to choose from.
Good Luck and Merry Christmas from Indian Creek Tree Farm.
Good Luck and Merry Christmas from Indian Creek Tree Farm.
Step 3: Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while we shake and bale your tree.

- Sit back and enjoy the last few steps before decorating your tree.
- First comes the shaker, we want to provide you with a clean, dirt free tree.
- Next we will bale your tree for a safe ride home.
- Last turn your tag in to the tag checker, make sure you have the right tree and your on your way.
- We hope you enjoy your country experience at Indian Creek Christmas Tree Farm, we hope to see you next year.